Ultra/Marathon training (26/02/18 – 04/03/18)

Broken treadmill + crazy weather = one really crappy week when it came to running!

Only managed to get out for one run this week, managed a few kettlebell workouts and lots of snow shovelling though to keep me from going crazy and try to keep my fitness levels up!


So this turned out to be my one and only run of the week! My “go to” 7.5 km loop. My legs were heavy from the start, I don’t know if it was from the two back to back long runs Saturday and Sunday… or the extra layers I was wearing due to it being -4 out! (You know it’s cold when your considering taking a post run ice bath just to warm up!)

Anyway between the tired legs and horrible conditions tonight’s run was a right old struggle! On the plus side really happy with my new Silva Ninox 2 head torch though! First time I’ve used it, definitely made running at night a bit easier!


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!!! If I knew how bad the weather would be for the rest of the week I really would have run tonight! But instead I ignored the weather warnings and listened to my body! Yesterday’s run was hard enough, my legs needed a break, so I decided to take one!


So it’s snowing! It’ll be ok though, I’m sure it won’t come to anything and I can still run after work… well that’s what I thought till I got home from work and it was still snowing! No run today!!


Snow day!!! And no chance am I going running in that. So I thought I’d make the most of my day off and fix my treadmill! At no point would I ever confess to being a handy man… changing a light bulb is probably the extent of my DIY skills, but after 20 minutes tinkling I had my treadmill working again… well at least so I thought. Two minutes into my planned 10k run the treadmill came to a grinding halt again. So another run missed I decided to get the Kettlebells out! 21-15-9 reps of burpees and kettlebell swings… followed by some one hand swings and Turkish get ups! Nice little workout!


So it’s still snowing! So another day without running and another day of kettlebells! Today’s workout was:

50 kettlebell swings – 10 sit ups

40 kettlebell swings – 20 sit ups

30 kettlebell swings – 30 sit ups

20 kettlebell swings – 40 sit ups

10 kettlebell swings – 50 sit ups

Although I’m slightly gutted the bad weather is stopping me running I’m a huge fan of kettlebell training. I feel it has a huge benefits for my running. Not only does it improve strength (especially in the hips and hamstrings) it’s a great conditioning tool too, I managed to get my heart rate as high as 193 bpm in today’s workout.


Today’s long run was replaced with a long dig, three hours of shovelling snow… with some of the drifts over a meter high it turned in a half decent workout, worked up a good sweat and my heart rate reaching over 160 bpm! Plus it’s nice to do something good for the community!


The day after a long run my legs ache… the day after hours of shovelling snow, EVERYTHING ACHES! Oh my god I’m in a world of pain today! From my back and abs to the tips of my fingers everything is aching! Really hoping the roads will be clear enough tomorrow so I can run! Really had enough of this snow!!!!

Author: valleyrunner1985

South Wales Valley runner, fundraising for the National Autistic Society

2 thoughts on “Ultra/Marathon training (26/02/18 – 04/03/18)”

    1. Definitely, my bodies in bits!! I spent 3 hours to clear 1/5 of my street….only for someone to come with a tractor the next morning to finish the rest in about 20 minutes!!! Grr definitely a good workout though!!

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